
Tuesday, 15 March 2016


Work on the retro edition of Drakar och Demoner continues - I´m having a ball drawing daring adventurers, vile sorcerers and heinous monsters. This game is where it all started for me - without it I probably would never have become an illustrator - so getting this right means a lot to me.

Riotminds are hard at work putting the box together and have also have been sneak previewing some of my illustrations on their facebook page - partly for promotional purposes but also for feedback.

The input from the community is key as this project isn´t just close to our hearts, but to thousands of people who grew up playing the game. Getting comments and constructive critisism from the gamers themselves is therefore really important. As it´s the internet there will always be some not-very-concstructive critisism as well, but that is the way of things...

I thought I´d collect what´s been presented so far in a post here for your merriment. Enjoy.


- ORCH -